Negotiation Programme

Negotiating the purchase or sale of a home can be fraught with struggles, ill-will and nastiness. For this research, the case study method was adopted considering the study of real negotiations between farmers (buyers) and distributors of agricultural inputs (sellers). Many real estate agents, brokers, have suffered many defeats before their first good business, so do not expect their job to be an easy one.

Negotiation is a process where two or more parties with different needs and goals discuss an issue to find a mutually acceptable solution. At the end of this program, participants will understand how to maintain Process Control in a virtual environment by unearthing common ground remotely, and virtual options for controlling psychological atmospherics, tactics, and pacing.

Negotiations are usually the most successful if each party is satisfied with the agreement reached and thinks the deal is fair. Beyond learning the frameworks and skills associated with negotiating, you will practice putting these new skills into action. IACCM research suggests that around 80% of today's business-to-business contract negotiations are ‘virtual' - that is, they use technology of some sort, rather than physical meetings.

In Mastering Negotiation and Influence, you will learn Jacqueline Twillie negotiation strategies to understand, plan, and achieve your objectives in a variety of contexts. Develop powerful, practical strategies to improve your influence and effectiveness in one-to-one, multiparty, and multi-issue negotiations.

As many have transitioned to a remote work environment, this year the program is uniquely positioned to give participants an opportunity to practice bargaining in a virtual setting. His book, The Right Way to Win: Making Business Ethics Work in the Real World, will be offered by IACCM as part of a continuing professional development program launching in 2020.

Skillful and effective negotiation involves a combination of communication skills, an understanding of both your own goals and those of your negotiating partners, and the ability to use influence and persuasion to create the attitude change and subsequent actions necessary in achieving win-win results.

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